Top 5 Bible Verses For Couples

Top 5 Bible Verses For Couples Building a relationship based on Jesus Christ can bring a level of depth and fulfillment to your life that is unparalleled by any other human relationship. When two people come together with a shared faith in Christ, their relationship is grounded in a foundation of love, forgiveness, and grace. Of course, building a relationship based on Jesus Christ does not mean that it will be free of difficulties or conflict. But when both partners are grounded in their faith and committed to living out Christ’s teachings, they can overcome any challenge with the help of God’s love and grace. Ultimately, a Christ-centered relationship is one that is built on a foundation of love, trust, and faith, and it can bring joy and fulfillment that lasts a lifetime. Here are my top 5 bible verses for couples who are seeking to build a Christ-centered relationship that honors God. 1. Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” – Genesis 2:24 This verse speaks to the sacred nature of marriage and the commitment to become one in body and spirit. Here the author is emphasizing the importance of commitment and unity in marriage. It suggests that a husband and wife should prioritize their relationship above their other family relationships, and that they should be fully committed to each other. The phrase “one flesh” suggests a deep level of intimacy and connection between a husband and wife that is unique to the marriage relationship. For an unmarried couple, navigating and establishing unity and intimacy while not stepping into roles that are meant for a marriage relationship (such as having sex, starting a family, living together etc) can be difficult. We often try to go so far in ensuring we have a “strong marriage” that we take on too much responsibility and forget our boundaries at the start, and it ends up having the opposite effect. One thing to keep in mind whether you are married or not, is that healthy physical intimacy starts with forming a level of healthy emotional intimacy with one another. This can start off with simply being open in conversation with each other. You can form an intentional emotional bond by sharing with your significant other what you’re thinking, feeling, and processing within or with the Lord. Not to the point that you are putting all your emotional baggage on them, but rather with the intent to invite them into your emotional process. Particularly if it pertains to them and how their actions may affect you positively or negatively. And doing so with grace, gentleness, compassion and a pure heart. Interestingly enough, once we have this level of emotional intimacy at our foundation the physical intimacy, commitment and unity comes much easier and the devil has less of a foothold over it. In summary, for the married couple, don’t lose sight of your oneness – that you are bonded together through your marriage covenant. For the unmarried couple try to not get too far ahead of yourselves, and rather focus on the small simple steps you can take to building that foundation of emotional intimacy. I chose to start with this verse because you may start to see that all other verses on love and relationship flow from this very idea of oneness in the flesh. I do not think it an accident that this is one of the first things the Lord had us learn when he created Adam and Eve. Continue reading to see what I mean. 2. 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 One of the most famous love passages in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13 emphasizes the importance of selflessness, kindness, and humility in love. It suggests that love is not about getting what we want, but about putting the needs and desires of others above our own. This level of sacrificial love is key for all couples, both married and not. Even in the face of adversity or difficult circumstances, having the heart and mind of Christ teaches us to be patient and kind to those we love. This verse piggy backs perfectly off of Genesis 2:24, where we are taught that through marriage we are united as one flesh. When you are about to retaliate, accuse, or do something that could hurt your loved one, ask yourself this “How would you feel, if they did or said that to you?” This shift in perspective helps us to see that our actions and words towards our significant other don’t just have huge effects on them, but reflect back onto you. This thinking also works with positive actions and words. Encouraging, empowering, and forgiving our significant other brings as much love back to you as it will bring them. But, even if we give into our anger or fly off the handle, this verse also highlights the importance of forgiveness and grace in love. Love seeks to forgive and reconcile. No matter what we say or do, we should seek to take accountability for our actions and words, and come back together to a place of understanding. Lastly, love rejoices in truth and righteousness, and it does not take pleasure in wrongdoing or injustice. There is a fine line between bitterly hurting someone who hurts you, and asserting oneself in moments where you have been treated unjustly. Cheating, lying, stealing, name-calling – all these things can happen in a broken relationship, and are not just actions. While forgiveness is a key aspect of love, often, the first step towards forgiveness is openly acknowledging the pain caused by your significant other through their actions. And this can be done with grace, honestly,

Top 5 Bible Verses For Women

Top 5 Encouraging Bible Verses For Women The pursuit of a Godly woman is an empowering yet often daunting one. It’s no secret that the entertainment industry bombards women with messages attacking their body image and behaviors. But even within the walls of the church, women can fall for the belief that a Christian woman is the perfect daughter or wife, knows the bible back and front, always is dressed to the 9s, is soft-spoken, graceful, pure, giving, beautiful, a strong leader, and has a beautiful singing voice. Let me be the first to tell you that not only does the Lord NOT expect us to be perfect, but that he loves us in our imperfection! These top 5 verses are made to encourage you that as a woman of God you’re identity is first in Christ alone. 1. Psalms 46:5 This verse is a powerful reminder that God exists within us. In times of struggle or lack, where we don’t think we can handle the pain or difficulties we are facing, when it feels like the roles we’ve been given are too great – whether as a daughter, wife, grandmother, sister, or mother – remember that God is within you and He will not let you fall. Every morning He is there to help and support you. 2. Song of Solomon 4:7 Song of Solomon is full of unique and romantic language as the two lovers share how they see one another. It is also a way of showing how God sees us as His bride (the church). This verse reminds us that the Lord calls us beautiful and flawless. Some may then say “but what about my sin? What about my failures?” But let’s not forget that Jesus took on all of that on the cross. When the Lord sees his daughters He also sees the stain of sin washed away through the sacrifice of Jesus. 3. Proverbs 31:10 Proverbs 31 is well known amongst Christian women for it being the picture of what many of us strive to be. Being a “Proverbs 31 Woman” is a title worth striving for, as the verse depicts a woman who is strong, hardworking, intelligent, and humble. She is noble in her countenance because of her commitment to her family and the Lord. 4. Psalms 139:1 To be fully known is a desire many woman hold within their hearts. To be known for more than just what others see on the outside is a beautiful and pure need, and it’s one the Lord has met for us all our lives. Jeremiah 1:5 reveals the Lord knew us before we were formed in the womb. If you’re a woman of God who has struggled with being misunderstood, or who feels others cannot meet her desires, my encouragement from this Psalm is to remember that the Lord knows you and your desires intimately. 5. Psalms 31:24 This final verse from Psalms encourages not just women but all believers to be strong and take heart. This world is evil, and has many troubles. Loss, pain, death, depression, anxiety – all these things are an attempt from the enemy to lead us from the safety of God and ignore His unconditional love. But our hope is in the Lord! In Him we gain what is lost, we are healed, we are born again, our joy is in Christ. And we can look to His strength and His heart for us in times of lacking.

Top 5 Bible Verses On Friendship

Top 5 Bible Verses On Godly Friendship According to recent studies the average person can handle about 15 close friends, and 5 intimate bonds. This may seem like quite a bit, but considering the hundreds to thousands of people we interact with daily – either at school, work, church, or elsewhere – it can be difficult to determine what friendships are right for us to maintain and nuture, and which ones are meant to come to an end. Here are 5 bible verses on Godly Friendship to help you understand the friends you should look for, as well as the type of friend to be towards others. 1. Proverbs 17:7 Proverbs 17:7 reminds us that a Godly friend “loves at all times”. Even when you are at your messiest place in life – always late, disorganized, forgetful, struggling with grief or facing the consequences of sin – a true friend will love you the same as you are at your best. They won’t judge or condemn you for your mistakes. Instead, they will be understanding of what you need and help you through times of adversity. 2. Exodus 33:11 Exodus 33:11 teaches us how God spoke to one of His earliest disciples. This verse reveals that even before the birth and ressurection of Jesus, we had the ability to have friendship with the Lord. Sometimes the old testament God appears like a righteous judge to us – commanding and condemning. But here it is revealed that God didn’t shut the doors to intimate relationship with us after Eden. Rather, we see in the interactions Moses had with God that intimate relationship with the Lord was real and could be as tangible as a “face to face” conversation. Then, when Jesus arrived on the scene that aspect of God’s character was shown in greater degree as we could see more of the friends He kept and loved.  Looking to gain a deeper understanding of scripture? Learn from one of the most influential preachers of all time, John MacArthur. 3. Job 6:14 The book of Job teaches a lot more about friendship than we realize. Here we see Job reminding himself that “witholding kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty”. In other words, when we choose to withhold love from our friends we are choosing out of glorifying and revering God rightfully. God IS love and His love has no conditions. And the fear of the Lord means the reverence and awe of God. Therefore when we act in a way that is conditional, we are no longer glorifying God. Be kind to your friends! And seek friends who do not withhold kindness from you.  4. Proverbs 12:26 Proverbs has many wise things to say about friendship, and this verse is to me one of the most important. We choose our friends. While there are some friendships we may have “fallen into” or “always had”, we make the continual choice to remain in those friendships. It is a God-give gift our freedom to “choose”. That is why it is important to choose carefully, knowing that those you keep close will have a great impact on the path you go down.  5. Proverbs 22:11 Another wise verse in Proverbs, Proverbs 22:11 tells us “One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend”. Who is the king? Is it God? Or is it simply a wealthy leader? I believe it is both. When we love those who are pure-hearted and full of grace, we are also saying those are things of great value to us. The Lord recognizes us for taking value not in materialistic things but in a good and pure heart. So too is it with those of great status and wealth – they don’t want to be surrounded by greedy people after their title or money – they want to be surrounded with people who care about the heart. Don’t look to befriend status, but look to befriend those whose hearts are caring, gentle, tender, and kind.

Top 5 Bible Verses On Grace

Top 5 Bible Verses On Grace

Top 5 Bible Verses On Grace Ephesians 2:8 says “we are saved by grace through faith”. Sometimes though I think we believers tend to put all our emphasis on faith and forget the standalone power and beauty of Gods grace. You see a lot of sermons and posts about how to grow your faith or enhance your faith – often times a Christian life feels like a constant pursuit of “having bigger, better faith”. But without realizing I think that can turn into a pursuit of trying to “earn” or “keep” Gods grace, almost like if we don’t have enough faith than we no longer are worthy of His grace anymore. I may even go as far as saying some of us (myself especially) have gone so far to believe that if we don’t have big faith we aren’t worthy of God’s or anyone’s love at all.  But! The whole point of grace is that it is a freely given “gift”! There is no way to earn it. Faith doesn’t give us grace, God gives us grace because of His love for us, and we choose to receive it simply by believing that Jesus died for our sins.  That’s why today I want to share 5 verses that teach us about Gods grace and the gift it is for us, for those of you who want to be clothed in grace for the glory of God. 1. titus 2:22 2. John 1:17 Are you a young woman or man in love with God who wants to grow in their relationships and heal from pain in a lost, broken, or struggling relationship? Do you want to THRIVE even in the midst of conflict?  Check out this resource from Alive + Free Consulting Click here Now! 3. Romans 6:14 4. Titus 3:7 5. Hebrews 4:16

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