Advice Every Teen Should Know To Empower & Uplift Their Faith

How To Have Powerful Faith As A Teen

Advice Every Teen Should Know To Empower & Uplift Their Faith As a teen, navigating the challenges and uncertainties of adolescence while holding tight to your faith can be a difficult journey. But at the same time, your relationship with Christ can be filled with so much authenticity and purity as you express your worries and care to The Lord. God’s Word often shares how much He cared for the youth in the world, and as a teen you get to have a relationship with God that is truly unique to others. Here is 5 pieces of advice I think every teen should know to grow and cherish their faith. Trust in the Lord Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight,” reminds us that God wants us to lean on Him in all our decisions and struggles, and He will lead you wisely. As a teenager, you’re beginning to forge your own path. But, at the same time you’re coming to see that your dreams and desires are not as easy to achieve as they may have seemed as a little kid. You also might be challenged with new relationship dynamics, emotional struggles, and difficulties related to school, your home life, or even in church. This verse is a great reminder that no matter what you’re facing  to rely on God and seek His guidance in your decisions. It encourages us to trust in His plan, even when we may not fully comprehend it. Be Strong and Courageous In Joshua 1:9, we find a verse that offers reassurance and strength to teenagers facing various challenges. It says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” This verse reminds teens that they are not alone in their struggles and that God is always by their side, providing them with the strength and courage they need to face any adversity. Let Your Light Shine Matthew 5:16 is a verse that encourages teenagers to make a positive impact on the world around them. It says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” This verse reminds teens that their actions and attitudes can reflect God’s love and bring glory to Him. It serves as a reminder to be a positive influence and bring light into a world that desperately needs it. Seek First His Kingdom In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells His followers, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This verse is particularly relevant for teenagers as they navigate through the pressures of school, relationships, and future plans. It reminds them to prioritize their relationship with God above all else and trust that He will provide for their needs. Seek First The Kingdom Mugs Shop Now Seek First the Kingdom Crewnecks Shop Now Do Not Be Afraid One Bible verse that offers advice on not being afraid is Isaiah 41:10, which says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” This verse reminds teens that God is with them in every situation, giving them strength and support. It encourages them to trust in God’s presence and rely on His power, knowing that they do not need to be afraid. Hold Tight To The Faith The teenage years can be a time of uncertainty and self-discovery, but the Bible offers timeless wisdom and guidance for teens as you navigate through this phase of life. These verses share valuable lessons about trust, strength, influence, and priorities for now, and will continue to for years to come.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned often in my walk with God, it is that every season brings new insight into your relationship with Christ. If you hold tightly to your faith, through every trial you’ll come to know Him on a deeper level, and verses you love now will hold their power and become even more nuanced as you get older. Don’t be afraid to let time challenge you, and always lean into God no matter what season you’re in.

5 Powerful Bible Verses On The Holy Spirit You Need To Know

Top 5 Bible Verses On The Holy Spirit

5 Powerful Bible Verses On The Holy Spirit You Need To Know For believers, the Holy Spirit is the source of power and guidance in our daily lives. He convicts us of sin, helps us to understand the truth of God’s word, and gives us the strength to live for Christ. The Holy Spirit also is the key source to bearing the fruits of the Spirit in our lives, which are the qualities we inherit from the Holy Spirit that reflect the character of Christ. He is not a force or an impersonal energy, but a personal being who has a will, emotions, and intellect. Holy Spirit is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son, and he is involved in every aspect of the Christian life. However, many of us still struggle to understand the Holy Spirit and how He works in our lives. My hope is that the following verses help highlight the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding, comforting, and empowering believers, as well as the gifts and fruits of the Spirit that are manifested in the lives of those who have received him. These are my top 5 bible verses every believer should know about the Holy Spirit. 1. John 14:26 – Our Advocate John 14:26 – “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” In John 14:26, Jesus promises his disciples that he will send them a Helper, the Holy Spirit, after he leaves them. This Helper, who is sent by the Father in Jesus’ name, will teach the disciples all things and remind them of everything Jesus has said. The promise of the Holy Spirit is one of the most comforting and empowering promises that Jesus gave to his followers. It shows that, even though Jesus is physically leaving them, he will still be with them through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will continue to teach them, guide them, and empower them to do the work that Jesus began. As believers today, we also have access to the same Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to his disciples. The Holy Spirit continues to guide and teach us, as we read and study the Scriptures. He helps us to understand the truth of God’s word and apply it to our lives. He also comforts us in times of trouble and gives us the strength we need to follow Jesus, even when it’s difficult. Holy Spirit is a vital part of our journey as followers of Jesus, and we can trust that he will be with us every step of the way 2. Acts 2:38 – The Gift Of The Holy Spirit Acts 2:38 – “Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” In Acts 2:38, Peter tells the crowd who had gathered to hear him preach that they must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and then they will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This verse shows that receiving the Holy Spirit is a result of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. When we turn away from our sins and trust in Jesus, we are forgiven and receive the Holy Spirit, who fills us with power and enables us to live the Christian life. The Holy Spirit is not just a feeling or an emotion, but a person who comes to live in us when we receive Christ. He helps us to understand the Scriptures, gives us the power to overcome sin, and enables us to share the gospel with others. Holy Spirit also brings a sense of peace and joy to our hearts, as we rest in the knowledge that we belong to God and are empowered by his Spirit. As believers, we must continually seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that we can live in obedience to God and be effective witnesses for Christ. 3. Romans 8:27 – Mind Of The Spirit Romans 8:27 – “And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27 Romans 8:26-27 speaks of the Holy Spirit’s role in prayer. Paul writes that we do not know what we should pray for, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. The Holy Spirit knows our hearts and prays for us according to the will of God. This passage is a great comfort to believers, because it reminds us that even when we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit is interceding for us on our behalf. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, who comes alongside us to strengthen us and guide us in all areas of life. When we are weak and don’t know what to do, the Holy Spirit is there to give us wisdom and direction. When we are tempted to sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us and empowers us to resist temptation. And when we are hurting, the Holy Spirit brings us comfort and peace. We can trust the Holy Spirit to be with us at all times, helping us to live the Christian life in a way that honors God. 4. Galatians 5:22-23 – Exhibiting the Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 – “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Paul lists the fruit of the Spirit in this passage, which are the qualities that should characterize the lives of believers. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are all traits that flow from a heart filled with the Holy Spirit. These traits are not natural to

Top 5 Bible Verses On Confidence

Top 5 Bible Verses On Confidence Did you know God wants you to not just confidence in Him but also in yourself? Did you also know that meekness and confidence can exist within you at the same time? In the pursuit of humility, sacrificial love and peacekeeping, we as Christians can begin to downplay the value of confidence or even go so far as to villainize it in our minds. But, we need not trade one for the other. Instead, understanding the biblical definition of confidence, we can start to form a boldness for Christ that stands before all accusation and judgement without wavering. Below are my Top 5 Bible Verses to encourage confidence within you and within your relationship with God. 1. 2 Chronicles 32:8 This verse from 2 Chronicles 32:8 is a direct quote from Hezekiah the king of Judah at the time. The bible says that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21) and Hezekiah’s words prove this. Confidence comes not just from what we believe in our hearts, but what we profess with our mouths. This verse is a reminder to not just remember that God will help us fight our battles, but to speak aloud that truth to those around us, or ask for such encouragements from friends and loved ones who can speak these things over us in conversation or prayer. 2. Psalm 71:5 For those who have long been believers in Christ and grown up in the faith, you may feel this verse resonnate deeply in you. Even new believers, as they continue in the faith, may find that there are seasons throughout life we find ourselves closer to God than others, seasons where our confidence in Him is bolder than others. When in a season of struggle, one of the tools we can use is using our memory to recall the times when we had that confidence in Christ, and remind ourselves what that felt like, and how God met us in that moment. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Though we and our emotions are ever changing, we can lean into the constancy of God and recall that the moments where we saw confidence within Him were just a glimpse of His everlasting strength. 3. Jeremiah 17:7 Jeremiah 17:7 is a simple yet impactful verse. It reveals the intrinsic link between confidence and trust. When we trust God, we can be confident that He will not lead us astray, abandon, purposefully confuse, our harm us. When we are seeking confidence, often what we are really needing is to build trust with God. When we have that trust, great blessing flows not because God suddenly becomes more giving, but because when we trust, we can step into areas we were once afraid, and unsure of, and find the gifts He had waiting for us there the whole time. 4. Ephesians 3:11-12 Pauls letter to the Ephesians here brings the awareness to us that it is through Christ Jesus that we can be unhindered in approaching God freely and confidently. For you, maybe the thing blocking your confidence is simply not believing that God cares for you, and wants the best for you. You may be struggling because of sin in your life, or you may be afraid that God wants to punish you for failing to make time with Him daily. Today, I want you to find freedom knowing that when you come to God He does not see you for your sins or failures, He sees you as He sees His son – blameless, righteous, and pure. We often look at Jesus life and think – I wish I was more like that. But, do you realize that you are like that already? Once you accept Christ into your heart He lives in you. You are like Christ, because you believe. And therefore, because of what Christ did, there is nothing that prevents us from going to God and asking for what we want and need. Go to God with confidence and know you are covered by the blood of Jesus. Once you start doing so, you may find that confidence will pour out into the other areas and relationships you once felt insecure in. 5. Hebrews 4:16 Much like the last verse this bible quote from Hebrews 4 reminds us that we can have confidence to approach God. It also reminds us that God is gracious, merciful, and willing to help. Maybe we were taught to believe God is a God who listens and does not take action, or who listens and frowns at our requests, seeing us selfish for asking for anything. But, Hebrews explains to us that God is not like that at all. He is not some fickle God, who will only help you if you beg, or if you do something for Him. He is gracious and willing – He wants to help us, and we can therefore be confident in coming to Him with anything on our hearts. Once we believe this about God, people on earth who are fickle, passive aggressive, or who will only help us if we help them first won’t have such power over us and hinder our confidence. In experiencing the mercy of the Lord, we can then carry that in our hearts over the less merciful ways of man, and continue freely in our confidence.

Top 5 Bible Verses For Strength

Top 5 Verses On Strength

Top 5 Bible Verses For Strength Are you in a season of trial and needing a little more strength from God? In times of weakness God is our greatest source of strength. He holds you in the palm of His mighty hand! Here are my top 5 verses for strength to encourage you in seasons of weakness and trial. 1. Psalm 46:1 2. 2 Corinthians 12:10 Are you a young woman in love with God who wants to grow in their relationships and heal from pain in a lost, broken, or struggling relationship? Do you want to THRIVE even in the midst of conflict?  Check out this resource from Alive + Free Consulting Click here Now! 3. Isaiah 41:10 4. Joshua 1:9 5. Psalm 28:7

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